Magnesium is a rather important mineral, the required quantity of which is difficult to intake solely by nutrition. Stress, sports, food with high phytic acid content (seeds, wholegrain cereals, brains, etc.), as well as coffee and tea consumption may speed up the clearance of magnesium from the body. As a result, magnesium deficit is a general phenomenon. Magnesium supplementation is important to everyone. Life Extension Foundation calls magnesium the “new vitamin D3”, because it is just as important, and its deficit is just as frequent, as that of D3. Absorption of magnesium preparations, however, is highly variable, and to most people it causes diarrhea, loose stools or other digestion problem, which - among others - may be the result of magnesium binding stomach acid, although low stomach acid production is a general problem. (Reflux is, in fact not a gastric hyperacidity, on the contrary, quite often it is caused by the low stomach acid level. Stomach acid flows back to the esophagus because of the existing SIBO and/or non-functioning cardia, and it makes seem as if there were too much stomach acid, even when in fact there is too little.)
Inorganic forms of magnesium such as -sulfate, -oxide, -carbonate, -hyroxide are hardly utilized, but in turn they may cause loose stools or diarrhea, and they bind stomach acid. (Not absorbed magnesium causes, for example diarrhea, so it is not surprising that the consumption of inefficiently utilized magnesium types may cause diarrhea and other intestinal problems.) The only inorganic magnesium type with relatively good level of utilization is the chloride, which does not bind stomach acid, just the opposite, it helps its production.
Most organic versions of magnesium (with chelate-bound) are well-absorbing, and s such, they are less prone to cause diarrhea/loose stools/intestinal problems. The exception is magnesium citrate, which is a magnesium salt formed with citric acid, and too much citric acid is a priori prone to cause loose stools. Magnesium citrate contains 15-16 percent elementary Mg, and more than 80 percent citric acid. Although it is indeed well absorbed in small quantities, the required quantity still causes diarrhea or loose stools for most people. In this case, however, it is not absorbed (in fact, it sprouts from the body other useful things, as well, as loose stools are caused by the fact that minerals were not sufficiently sucked back in the colon).
Our product, the magnesium L lactate is the salt of magnesium formed with lactic acid, namely with L lactic acid and not with D or DL lactic acid. This is relevant, because L lactic acid gets to the bloodstream as L lactate, which is - among others - is the preferred fuel for the brain and for the heart, meaning that if there is sufficient L-lactate in the blood, then the heart and brain cells will prefer the L-lactate instead of glucose (or ketone bodies). However, there is typically little L-lactate in our body (its level is the highest during and after sport activities, this is one of the reasons we feel so good after exercise). D lactate, in turn is not a nutrient to our body, and a healthy organism is characterized by its low level (its high level can be caused by stress, metabolic diseases or even an upset intestinal flora).
So besides its magnesium content, an additional advantage of the magnesium L-lactate is to ensure beneficial form of lactic acid/lactate. Besides being a well utilized form of magnesium, and its laxative impact (causing diarrhea) is little typical for it, another significant benefit is that it is economical. Based on the price of one unit of elementary magnesium, it is the most favorable one. It taste relatively neutral, so it can be mixed to almost any drink.
Dosage: Although the label on the product suggests 2g per day - which is equal to 240 to 250 mg elementary magnesium, it worth taking more than that, if our diet does not include too much molluscs, venison or pumpkin. Even 3 to 4g per day can be useful. Take no more than 1g, maximum 2g at a time.
12 to 13 percent of magnesium L-lactate is elementary magnesium, which means that each gram supplies to the body 125mg well utilized elementary magnesium.
Most magnesium products contain deliberately misleading information! Most of the organic (chelate-bound) magnesium preparations available on the market aren’t in fact what their product labels say they are. Most people use activated magnesium compounds that are only party reacted or not reacted at all. This means for example that the product label says that it contains magnesium malate, when in fact it only contains the mix of magnesium oxide or carbonate and malic acid. Or instead of magnesium citrate, the product contains only the mix of magnesium oxide and citric acid.
It is possible that the reaction partly took place, but most of the contained magnesium is not in the form indicated on the label! This is the reason, why even organic forms so often cause diarrhea, because they are in fact only partly contain the indicated form. Not “fully reacted” versions always contain more elementary magnesium, plus the ingredients are less expensive, so they are significantly more economic.
Many incompetent manufacturers do not even know that there are differences between the various magnesium compounds with the same name, so they will naturally select the cheaper ones, which on the top of everything have higher magnesium content. How can one make sure that the selected product is good? It is difficult, for sure, but here is a little help; I’ll give you the list of percentages of elementary magnesium contents of “fully reacted” versions of the most common organic magnesium forms.
• Mg malate: 6 – 12% (the (mono-) magnesium malate is the real one ,di-magnesium malate is not fully reacted!)
• Mg (bis)glycinate: 12 – 14%
• Mg citrate: 14 – 16%
• Mg ascorbate: 6 – 17%
The weight of 1 pill/capsule must not exceed 1000mg, also including the capsule shall and the excipients. This means that if we read on a product labeled as Mg malate that it contains 200mg magnesium per capsule/tablet, then we already know that it is not Mg malate, as the elementary magnesium content of Mg malate may not exceed 12 percent, i.e. 1 capsule/tablet must not contain more than 120mg, but probably less. So we should measure one capsule/tablet, for example on jewelry scales, and take the percentage of the weight identified in the previous list. The actual magnesium content can only be below it, if it actually contains the indicated compound. However, this is not a guarantee, either, as there are magnesium compounds that are not “fully reacted”, but contain the same amount of magnesium than the “fully reacted” compounds. Another problem is that the indication of magnesium content on many products is misleading or false, because the compound itself is indicated as magnesium, although the elementary magnesium is only a small fragment of it, as it can be seen from the percentages indicated above.
We, of course use only “fully reacted” version of everything, including magnesium.
Brief summary of beneficial effects of magnesium:
Improvement of muscle work/sports performance, prevention of muscle cramps, boosting muscle regeneration, boosting the immune system, prevention of cardiovascular problems, activity against calcification (calcium deposits), supporting heart muscles, significant contra-stress effect, better sleeping, clearer thinking, more energetic days.
Who should select the L lactate form of magnesium? Those, who want to get access to high-quality magnesium in the most economical way, but do not want to make compromises in terms of taste or absorption. So, we recommend it for everyone, who wants “only” magnesium, and one of the best versions of it.
Disclaimer: Pursuant to the regulations by the European Union also effective in Hungary, dietary supplements are food products, the purpose of which is to supplement conventional diet, and which contain nutrients or other substances - separately or in combination - with nutritional or physiological effect. According to the official statement, these products are not medications, have no healing effect, and are not suitable for treating or preventing diseases. GAL VitalSynergyTech Kft. respects the provisions of EszCsM Decree 37/2004 (IV. 26.) – which is a legal source for the aforementioned – as well as the requirements stipulated by the Hungarian Competition Authority. We hereby represent that our articles about the agents contained in our products have been assembled solely on the basis of the latest independent and relevant research, upon in-depth study of their interrelations, and serve the purpose of presenting them with the aim of providing information to our receptive and inquisitive Readers. These texts do not aim at boosting sales, and do not encourage for the purchase of our products. The only reason for our Customers to honor us with their recurring orders should be the fact that they have experienced the beneficial effects of GAL products. This is what we believe in, this is what we work for.
- Allergen-free
- Glutenfree
- Egg-free
- Soy allergen-free
- Dairy and lactose-free
- Free of sulfur dioxide
- Sugar-free
- GMO-free
- Vegetarian
- Vegan
- Packaging from carbon-neutral production
- 100% recyclable packaging
Green: The product has the described property
Red: The product does not have the described property
Milyen ellenjavallatai vannak a termék fogyasztásának?
A termék mindenki számára biztonsággal fogyasztható.
Laktózérzékeny vagyok. Szedhetem a GAL Magnézium-laktátot?
A GAL Magnézium-laktát teljes mértékben tejtermék- és laktózmentes, ahogy azt a terméktulajdonságok fülön is jelöltük. A magnézium-laktát csak nevében hasonlít a laktózra, a laktát másnéven a tejsav, amit az emberi szervezet is termel.
Okozhat ez a magnéziumforma hasmenést?
Termékünkben a magnézium kizárólag a tejsav L-formájához kötve fordul elő, ami nem csak a magnézium jobb felszívódását teszi lehetővé, de mellett kevésbé hajlamosít laza székletre, mint sok másik magnéziumforma.
Ha a napi adagot egyszerre bevéve a szokásosnál lazább székletet okozna, akkor lehetőleg két részletben fogyasszuk. Bármilyen folyadékba belekeverhető, legjobb étkezéssel elfogyasztani.