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GAL K-complex Forte
GAL K-complex Forte
GAL K-complex Forte
GAL K-complex Forte
GAL K-complex Forte
GAL K-complex Forte
GAL K-complex Forte
GAL K-complex Forte
GAL K-complex Forte
GAL K-complex Forte

GAL K-complex Forte

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Food supplement drops with vitamin K1 and K2 with bioactive MK7

GAL K-complex Forte

In order to ensure appropriate absorption and stability, our product contains its active substances, that is, vitamin K1 and the soy allergen-free variation of vitamin K2, bioactive MK7 dissolved in RSPO certified palm and coconut oil (orangutan friendly, from a sustainable farm). The GAL K-complex only contains the effective and natural “trans” form of K2 MK-7.

We recommend taking 12 drops per day applied directly into the mouth or mixed into food. Do not mix it into liquids! 1 bottle contains ~30 doses.

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Scientific background
Product Properties
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Scientific background

There are different types of vitamin K: K1, K2 and K3. Vitamin K1 is present in leafy green vegetables, while K2 can be found in animal offal (mainly in bone marrow, brain and liver) and fermented natto. Last, vitamin K3 is produced in our body, provided that we consume large amounts of vitamin K1. There are two subtypes of vitamin K2: the so-called menaquinone-4 (MK-4) and menaquinone-7 (MK-7). Both of these have synthetic (cis-) and natural (trans-) forms. The natural form of MK-7 is the best utilized form.

Why is it important to supplement vitamin K?

Practically everyone lacks vitamin K. Those who eat lots of leafy greens have sufficient vitamin K1 intake, but vitamin K2 is more important. Vitamin K2, however, can be found mainly in the offal, bone marrow and brain of grass eating animals, and in fermented natto, and we do not consume these in large amounts on a daily basis.

Effects of vitamin K

Historically, there was not any specific importance attributed to vitamin K, as it was seen to play a role only in blood coagulation. Everybody eats enough vegetables to ensure this function, as a small amount of vitamin K1 is already sufficient for this. However, recent observations indicating that vitamin K has a fundamental role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (sclerosis), in the development and maintenance of healthy teeth and bones, in the prevention and reversal of osteoporosis, and also in the prevention and treatment of some tumor diseases. This is especially true for vitamin K2. Although most research studies are currently focusing on osteoporosis and cardiovascular conditions, we can see from current studies that increasing the level of vitamin K3 in the body and administering high doses of vitamin K1 and K2 may have a significant role in the prevention and treatment of cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.

Probably the most important role of vitamin K2 in the body is that it can activate proteins responsible for the build-up of calcium where it is needed most (bones and teeth), and not where it is detrimental (soft tissues, kidneys, blood vessels). Scientific studies have confirmed that the occurrence of coronary atherosclerosis and osteoporosis decreases proportionally to vitamin K2 consumption. An insuffiency of vitamin K2 exacerbates calcium intake which can be expressly harmful. With an appropriate vitamin D3 and K2 intake, our bodies receive the requisite amount which is utilized to the greater good. Acknowledging the fact of how beneficial vitamin K2 is for building in calcium and thus for bone development, we can directly conclude how particularly important it is for children.

The following effects can be attributed to vitamin K2 and large-dose vitamin K1, according to scientific studies.

Preventing calcium deposition

They prevent (and according to observations, reverse) cardiovascular sclerosis, just as the sclerotic alterations of other soft tissues and organs (e.g. kidneys).

Teeth and facial structure

K2 and D3 together prevent and reverse dental calculus, tooth decay, and can even seal smaller dental cavities (at least the dentin layer). When taken from early childhood, they ensure the development of straight, healthy teeth and a nice, symmetric face. [2,3]


They help to prevent osteoporosis; they are essential for developing a strong, healthy and flexible bone structure.

Alzheimer’s disease

In a study, large doses of vitamin K2 significantly improved the status of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
Against tumor diseases High doses both of vitamin K1 and K2 have anti-tumor effects. In a study where cancer patients received large
doses of vitamin K1, it resulted in significant status improvement and also inhibited tumor growth. This was presumably due to the elevated vitamin K3 level caused by the high dose of vitamin K1.

Increasing the level of vitamin K3

High doses of vitamin K1 significantly increase the production of vitamin K3 in the body. Based on current studies, vitamin K3 is a promising option in cancer treatment.

Our product contains the most active and natural MK-7 form of vitamin K2, and to promote vitamin K3 production, we have also added a large amount of vitamin K1. All these substances are then dissolved in USDA Organic certified extra virgin olive oil, stabilized with a natural vitamin E complex. It does not contain any other additives, and due to being dissolved in oil, it has an excellent absorption rate.

Recommended dosage

It is best to take it during meals. Drop the liquid onto a spoon
or directly in your mouth. It can be dropped on food as well, but do not mix it into a drink as the oil would float on the surface and part of it would remain on the edge of the glass and thus would be wasted. Consume between 6-30 drops per day. (6 drops contain the amount of vitamin K2 that, according to research, helps to prevent osteoporosis and coronary atherosclerosis, but to achieve maximal effects we recommend 24-30 drops, especially in case of existing sclerotic conditions or osteoporosis.) Overdosing is impossible. For children, the recommended dosage is 5 drops per 10 kg of body weight. In case of tooth decay or dental calculus, keep the liquid in your mouth for a long time, spreading it over your gums and teeth with your tongue.

Disclaimer: Pursuant to the regulations by the European Union also effective in Hungary, dietary supplements are food products, the purpose of which is to supplement conventional diet, and which contain nutrients or other substances - separately or in combination - with nutritional or physiological effect. According to the official statement, these products are not medications, have no healing effect, and are not suitable for treating or preventing diseases. GAL VitalSynergyTech Kft. respects the provisions of EszCsM Decree 37/2004 (IV. 26.) – which is a legal source for the aforementioned – as well as the requirements stipulated by the Hungarian Competition Authority. We hereby represent that our articles about the agents contained in our products have been assembled solely on the basis of the latest independent and relevant research, upon in-depth study of their interrelations, and serve the purpose of presenting them with the aim of providing information to our receptive and inquisitive Readers. These texts do not aim at boosting sales, and do not encourage for the purchase of our products. The only reason for our Customers to honor us with their recurring orders should be the fact that they have experienced the beneficial effects of GAL products. This is what we believe in, this is what we work for.

Literature, references
2. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects (1939) Paul B. Hoeber, Inc; Medical Book Department of Harper & Brothers
3. Nutrition and Disease – the Interaction of Clinical and Experimental Work (Edinburgh and London: Oliver and Boyd, 1934
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Product Properties

- Allergen-free
- Glutenfree
- Egg-free
- Soy allergen-free
- Dairy and lactose-free
- Free of sulfur dioxide
- Sugar-free
- GMO-free
- Vegetarian
- Vegan
- RSPO / Orangutan friendly

- FSC paper material (CO31340)
- Packaging from carbon-neutral production
- 100% recyclable packaging

Green: The product has the described property
Red: The product does not have the described property


Gyakori kérdések
Milyen ellenjavallatai vannak a termék fogyasztásának?

Kumarin típusú (Pl. Syncumar, Warfarin) K-vitamin antagonista véralvadásgátló szedése esetén csak orvosa jóváhagyásával fogyassza!

Hogyan javasolt bevenni a cseppeket?

Célszerű egy kiskanálba csepegtetni és úgy bevenni, de ha tükör előtt a nyelve alá cseppenti az is jó megoldás, csak arra fontos ügyelnie, hogy lehetőleg ne érjen a pipetta a nyelvéhez, mert akkor baktériumok juthatnak az üvegbe és megromlik a termék.

Nem ajánljuk az olajos cseppek folyadékba keverését sem (A-vitamin, E-vitamin, D-vitamin, K-komplex), mert feltapad a pohár falára, s így a nagy része kárba vész.

Okozhat-e túlzott véralvadást a K-vitaminok szedése?

A K-vitaminok a véralvadási faktorok aktiválásához szükségesek és a tévhitekkel ellentétben nem tudják sűríteni a vért, mert a véralvadási faktorok csak 100%-ban aktiválhatóak és azon túl nem. A K-vitamin véd a vérzékenység és a túlzott véralvadás, vérrögképződés ellen is.

Csak abban az esetben ellenjavallt a szedésük, ha Kumarin típusú (Pl. Syncumar, Warfarin) K-vitamin antagonista vérhígító gyógyszert szed, de ezeknél a készítményeknél már jóval modernebbek is léteznek, így kezelőorvosával egyeztetve javasolt mást gyógyszert választania.

A témában az alábbi írásunkat ajánljuk szíves figyelmébe:
Vitaverzum – A K-vitaminok valódi arca