Most important ingredient of the UC-II® Cartilage complex is the raw material extracted from raw chicken brisket cartilage patented under the name UC-II®. As opposed to other cartilage extracts/collagens, it contains type II collagens in so-called non-denatured (raw) form, stabilized, so it would not denature or be digested even in the digestive system. This way it is capable to reach our lymphatic organs, the so-called Peyer’s patches located in our small intestine in unchanged (raw) form. As a result, it can influence our immune functions through our lymphatic system, and so it can stop attacking our own cartilage tissues, thus preventing the production of antibodies against them.
Such antibodies are not only produced in case of autoimmune arthritis (Rheumatoid arthritis). When the cartilage surface of joints is damaged, worn as a result of incorrect movement (friction), or simply during more intense sports activities, a small part of collagen proteins II forming the cartilage gets denatured, which means that proteins foreign for the body are produced. to a greater or lesser extent, antibody production begins against them, which may cause chronic inflammation and other problems.
The above - and a number of other analyses - lead to the conclusion that the UC-II® is (very) efficient for all kinds of joint-related problems, especially in case of autoimmune joint-related problems.
40mg dose of UC-II® has been successfully used in a number of clinical tests. Although the 40mg dose may seem rather small, according to every analysis, this is the optimal dose for people. A higher dose is not better; on the contrary... The reason for this is that the effect of UC-II® on the immune system - as it is detailed above - is similar to that of a “protective vaccination”, via the lymphatic system instead of the conventional way (by transferring collagen peptides to the cartilage in the bloodstream, then by incorporating them into the cartilages + increasing the joint liquid).
In human clinical analyses, the dose of 40 mg UC-II® per day turned out to be significantly more efficient, than 1500mg Glucosamine HCI + 1200mg Chondroitin sulfate.
Although the essence of the product is to stop antibody production (to eliminate the autoimmune component of arthritis), and so the essence of the product is UC-II®, but we naturally also thought about building the joint + boosting the joint lubricant, i.e. the “conventional path”:
It also contains another chicken brisket cartilage extract patented under the name Chondractiv®. It contains type II collagens in partially hydrolyzed (pre-digested) form, but - among others - it also contains hyaluronic acid, chondroitin and other aminoglycans, as parts of the natural, extra-cellular matrix of chicken cartilage, so they cannot compared to the isolated hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulfate raw materials. This supplies building material and lubricant for the joints.
Our product also contains silicon extracted from organic bamboo shoots, as well as vitamin C. Both facilitate collagen synthesis, and according to clinical analyses, silicon has a beneficial effect in case of joint-related problems; furthermore, it is also known from the analyses that vitamin C further increases the positive impact of collagen peptides on the joints.
Our product also contains full-spectrum curcuma extract called Curcugreen® (formerly Bio-Curcumin®, or BCM-95®), which is different from the conventional curcumin extracts, as it also contains the essential oil of the curcuma root resulting in a minimum 7 times better absorption! On the other hand, it is significantly different not only from the conventional curcuma extracts, but also from the curcuma extracts with increased absorption capability, as CurcuGreen® is the only curcuma extract in the world capable of increasing the useful (so-called free) curcumin level in the blood, and not its useless or less useful metabolites. CurcuGreen® is produced in 100 percent using green energy (energy supplied by solar panels), extracted from curcuma roots grown free of chemicals by the manufacturer on its own farm. Its effects are justified by numerous clinical examinations. (For more information refer to the description of our GAL Bio-Curcumin®+ and GAL Bio-Curcumin+ Forte products.
Although the quantity of Curcugreen® contained in the product is low (10mg), it is equal to approximately 1200mg curcuma root powder. Furthermore, timing for the evening, before going to bed has a significant role: according to a new analysis performed in 2018, in such case even a small dose of anti-inflammation agent is much more efficient for rheumatic problems.
Directions for use: Every day before going to bed take 1 capsule on an empty stomach.
Disclaimer: Pursuant to the regulations by the European Union also effective in Hungary, dietary supplements are food products, the purpose of which is to supplement conventional diet, and which contain nutrients or other substances - separately or in combination - with nutritional or physiological effect. According to the official statement, these products are not medications, have no healing effect, and are not suitable for treating or preventing diseases. GAL VitalSynergyTech Kft. respects the provisions of EszCsM Decree 37/2004 (IV. 26.) – which is a legal source for the aforementioned – as well as the requirements stipulated by the Hungarian Competition Authority. We hereby represent that our articles about the agents contained in our products have been assembled solely on the basis of the latest independent and relevant research, upon in-depth study of their interrelations, and serve the purpose of presenting them with the aim of providing information to our receptive and inquisitive Readers. These texts do not aim at boosting sales, and do not encourage for the purchase of our products. The only reason for our Customers to honor us with their recurring orders should be the fact that they have experienced the beneficial effects of GAL products. This is what we believe in, this is what we work for.
- Allergen-free
- Glutenfree
- Egg-free
- Soy allergen-free
- Dairy and lactose-free
- Free of sulfur dioxide
- Sugar-free
- GMO-free
- Vegetarian
- Vegan
- FSC paper material (CO31340)
- Packaging from carbon-neutral production
- 100% recyclable packaging
Green: The product has the described property
Red: The product does not have the described property
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Mi a különbség a GAL UC-II® Porc-komplex és a GAL Csirkeporc között?
Nagyon egyéni, hogy kinek melyik termék hat jobban vagy kevésbé, de általánosan elmondható, hogy az UC-II autoimmun-eredetű (Rheumatoid Arthritis) esetben lehet hatásosabb, míg a Csirkeporc-komplex (Chondractiv®) inkább kopásos esetben vélhető jobbnak.
Azonban a kopásos ízületi problémáknál gyakran folyamatos gyulladás és autoimmun eredetű folyamat is jelen van, ami lassan károsítja az ízületet, így az összetettebb ízületi betegségek esetén mindkét terméket is érdemes lehet szedni.