Some of the most common causes of gastrointestinal complaints are the impaired balance of the gut flora, accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa, insufficient gastric acid production or the abnormal, spasmodic movement of the smooth muscles that move the guts. At the same time, symptoms include the following: Diarrhea, constipation, bloating, excessive gas production, nausea after eating, reflux (acid regurgitation), heartburn, ulcers. By delivering an appropriate dose of peppermint oil to the guts, both the above listed causes and symptoms can be eliminated, as you may soon see it. However, delivering peppermint oil all the way to the guts is quite a challenge, especially if you want to do it in a natural way, without using any harmful artificial excipients or coating substances.
We thought that the following solution would be the most appropriate:
We powder the peppermint oil using a method borrowed from the inventory of molecular gastronomy, using tapioca maltodextrin, which is obtained from tapioca starch through a natural procedure (using enzymes) without chemical transformation. In the final step, this is mixed with microcrystalline cellulose, which, despite its scary name, simply is finely ground plant cellulose – that is, fibers. Finally we fill it into a natural acid-resistant vegetarian capsule so the active ingredients dissolve in the stomach only in a delayed manner or not at all. Thus the capsule has time to reach the small intestine, where it dissolves, the peppermint oil “enclosed” into the above described tapioca is released, while the indigestible cellulose fibers help moving forward so the peppermint oil can exert its effect throughout the complete intestinal tract.
The efficacy of peppermint oil filled into acid-resistant capsules that dissolve in the guts is supported by a number of human clinical studies, which found it useful in the following conditions:
SIBO (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth)
An excess accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine. It is very common and has implications on almost every gastro-intestinal disorders. The effect of peppermint oil dissolving in the guts on SIBO is remarkable. Its effect also results from its antibacterial and biofilm breaking properties that help restoring the balance of the gut flora.
The symptoms of SIBO are the following:
• Diarrhea and constipation
• Bloating and excessive gas production
• Nausea after eating
• Reflux and heartburn
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) – IBS is a condition accompanied with intestinal cramps, pain, diarrhea and/or constipation.– Peppermint oil delivered into the intestines can ameliorate or eliminate symptoms in itself, without any additional treatment.
Almost a dozen research studies confirmed this effect. SIBO and IBS are often present together, and it may also be possible that IBS is often caused by SIBO. Thus the effect of peppermint oil on IBS is not surprising at all.
Disclaimer: Pursuant to the regulations by the European Union also effective in Hungary, dietary supplements are food products, the purpose of which is to supplement conventional diet, and which contain nutrients or other substances - separately or in combination - with nutritional or physiological effect. According to the official statement, these products are not medications, have no healing effect, and are not suitable for treating or preventing diseases. GAL VitalSynergyTech Kft. respects the provisions of EszCsM Decree 37/2004 (IV. 26.) – which is a legal source for the aforementioned – as well as the requirements stipulated by the Hungarian Competition Authority. We hereby represent that our articles about the agents contained in our products have been assembled solely on the basis of the latest independent and relevant research, upon in-depth study of their interrelations, and serve the purpose of presenting them with the aim of providing information to our receptive and inquisitive Readers. These texts do not aim at boosting sales, and do not encourage for the purchase of our products. The only reason for our Customers to honor us with their recurring orders should be the fact that they have experienced the beneficial effects of GAL products. This is what we believe in, this is what we work for.
1. Logan et al: The Treatment of Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth With Enteric-Coated Peppermint Oil: A Case Report. Alternative Medicine Review Volume 7, Number 5 2002
2. Capello et al: Peppermint oil (Mintoil®) in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: A prospective double blind placebo-controlled randomized trial. Digestive and Liver Disease 39 (2007) 530–536
3. Budzyńska et al: Antibiofilm activity of selected plant essential oils and their major components. Pol J Microbiol. 2011;60(1):35-41.
4. Sandasi et al: The in vitro antibiofilm activity of selected culinary herbs and medicinal plants against Listeria monocytogenes. Lett Appl Microbiol. 2010 Jan;50(1):30-5.
5. Hawrelak et al: Essential Oils in the Treatment of Intestinal Dysbiosis: A Preliminary in vitro Study. Altern Med Rev 2009;14(4):380-384
6. Khanna R, MacDonald JK, Levesque BG. Peppermint oil for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Clin Gastroenterol. 2014 Jul;48(6):505-12.
7. Thompson A, Meah D, Ahmed N, Conniff-Jenkins R, Chileshe E, Phillips CO, Claypole TC, Forman DW, Row PE. Comparison of the antibacterial activity of essential oils and extracts of medicinal and culinary herbs to investigate potential new treatments for irritable bowel syndrome. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2013 Nov 28;13:338.
- Allergen-free
- Glutenfree
- Egg-free
- Soy allergen-free
- Dairy and lactose-free
- Free of sulfur dioxide
- Sugar-free
- GMO-free
- Vegetarian
- Vegan
- FSC paper material (CO31340)
- Packaging from carbon-neutral production
- 100% recyclable packaging
Green: The product has the described property
Red: The product does not have the described property
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Reflux esetén is biztonsággal szedhető a Borsmentaolaj?
Abban az esetben szedhető biztonsággal, ha a refluxot SIBO (kontaminált vékonybél szindróma) okozza. Ebben az esetben a reflux tüneteit is csökkentheti idővel. Egyéni érzékenységtől függően ideglenesen fokozhatja is a refluxos panaszokat, így érdemes inkább reggel éhgyomorra bevenni és nem este, mert a fekvő pozíció miatt refluxos tüneteket okozhat.
Amennyiben anatómiai oka van a refluxnak (gyomorszáj záródási hiba) nem javasoljuk fogyasztani a borsmentaolaj kapszulát, mert ellazíthatja a gyomor záróizmait.
Folyamatosan vagy kúraszerűen javasolt szedni a terméket?
Kúraszerűen javasolnánk szedni. Tünetei megszűnésével szedése abbahagyható, de a tartós hatás érdekében javasolnánk minimum 2 teljes dobozt elfogyasztani a Borsmentaolajból.